Please note: Our TOGnews Forum moved to Google Groups on 6-Oct-2007.
Click the link below to subscribe to our TOGnews E-mail Discussion Group:
The Tayana Owners Group is a volunteer organization serving Tayana and Vancouver yacht owners the world over. Our goal is to encourage the exchange of information among yacht owners, the yacht building yard, manufacturer's representatives, yacht dealers, and commercial houses - all concerned with Tayana. We have
over 2,000 members who own boats from 32 to 55 feet. The most popular boat class is the Tayana 37 shown here, but we have many V-42, T-47/48, T-52, and T-55 owners also. Because the building rate in Ta Yang is lower now, an owners' network is imperative to help maintain our boats, find replacement parts, exchange maintenance tips, and share experiences about sailing/cruising our boats. In the past, we accomplished this primarily by publishing a quarterly newsletter mailed to all members, TOG News, but now in 2005 we've found we can share more information faster by utilizing internet technology.
In addition we serve as an information clearinghouse by providing a subject index of all articles published in the newsletter and maintaining a database of information including owners, hull numbers, boat names, and location. We also support TOG Rendezvous in various locations and provide a group discount for BOAT/U.S. memberships through cooperative agreement #GA804468. We offer a variety of shirts, ball caps, burgees, and other items with the TOG logo.
This web site will be updated as events occur and information changes. Visit the TOG Forum for the latest announcements and happenings of TOG members.
Interested in being included on our membership list? All you need is a Tayana or an interest in these beautiful boats. Our Membership section will tell you all you need to know to join.
Copyright 1979-2021 Tayana Owners Group