The picture shows an 1/8" SS plate mounted on top of the mainsheet car. This was not strong enough so I replaced it with 1/4". I mounted the SS plate on top of the car to accommodate the two, Harken double blocks. I punched out the spring-loaded lift pins from the stops. The hole of these lined up with the existing hole on the track that I wanted in order to prevent the double blocks from hitting the control ends. I tapped these track holes & bolted the stops down. The control ends are Garhauer. I went with the type with the direct cam cleat rather than the ones that turn the line down to the deck & go under the dodger. The 3/8" lines line up perfectly with the dodger zippers, so they come right through there (when I made a new dodger, I put two zipper pulls on each zipper so that I only had to leave about 4" open for the lines). If the lines don't line up with the dodger zippers, you could also just cut a slice in your dodger & reinforce it with leather. I also took out the set screw that was supposed to hold the control ends to the track. Instead, I drilled & tapped the track so that the control ends could not move. We've been in some very high winds & the traveler works beautifully. Trip s/v Kalyra T37 #491