Tayana Owners Group History

The original creator of the Tayana 37 (T-37) was Bob Berg, former owner of Flying Dutchman Yachts in Seattle. He took his preliminary ideas to Bob Perry, who then did the final design. Those of you who have heard of the BaBa should know that was Bob Berg's nickname in the Chinese yard where he oversaw the construction of the early Tayanas.

According to Nan San Chiu, first Sales Manager of the building yard, TaYang means "big ocean" in Chinese. When an "a" is substituted for the last letter of a word, it denotes the possessive sense. Thus Tayana means "belongs to the big ocean."

In December 1979, T-37 owner, Norm Demain and his helpful partner and wife, Anne, wrote a two page letter, which was the start of what was to become one of the boating world's best and most influential non-industry sponsored newsletters. Norm gathered bits and pieces of information, new ideas, reports of problems and solutions from the members, the T-37 designer, Robert Perry, the TaYang yard, and many of the dealers, then collated this data and promulgated it in such a way that a communication network developed among the parties (i.e., the designer, builder, seller, and user), which led to an increasingly better product.

The Tayana Owners Group (TOG) newsletter, TOG News has helped new buyers to become aware, to become educated consumers. The builder has responded to reports of problem areas. Mr. Perry has added insight and suggestions to improve the design. TOG became a force, a unit with a voice.

TOG's progress can best be measured by the success described in the paragraphs above, but the following time line will give you some additional knowledge of how TOG and its newsletter have become what they are today.

1979 -- First newsletter (two type-written pages) mailed; proposed publishing every two months; membership for T-37 owners only; 15 charter members.

1980 -- Dues were established at $2/year (the cost of postage for six issues); communication between the yard and owners began; membership rose to 90 by the end of the year, including six dealers, five prospective owners, and three honorary members.

1981 -- Membership exceeded 100; local TOG chapters started; the first Tayana Burgee was designed; a new T-37 deck mold, the Mark II, became available, featuring a cockpit coaming that extended around the stern; Nan Hai Chiu becomes the new general manager at TaYang and has remained in that position since; entered Group Accord agreement with BoatUS for reduced membership fee from them (still in effect); Vancouver-42 (V-42) owners invited to contribute to newsletter.

1982 -- Membership/subscription fee set at $15/year; TaYang begins production of T-52 and T-55.

1983 -- Changed to publishing quarterly newsletters.

1984 -- Membership at 135, including six dealers and two honoraries.

1985 -- Adopted mini format for newsletter to reduce volume and mailing costs.

1986 -- First index published in three volumes of subjects addressed in the first 30 issues of TOG News.

1987 -- V-42 owners welcomed as members; membership at 150; newsletter prepared with use of a computer and word processing software.

1988 -- New masthead designed (still in use) for newsletter; yard begins production of T-47.

1989 -- Dues raised to $20/year; membership opened to owners of all boats built in the TaYang yard, including Tayana and Vancouver models; newsletter changed to present format (eight pages).

1990 -- Membership at 200.

1991 -- Second subject index published covering TOG News through 1990.

1992 -- New editors for TOG News, Sue Canfield, Rockie and Bill Truxall.

1993 -- Third subject index for TOG News published covering the first 60 issues; introduction of new logo and TOG Wear (shirts and new burgee).

1994 -- Newsletter increased to twelve pages; membership over 300.

1995 -- Sue Canfield left the editorial staff; newsletter increased to sixteen pages.

1996 -- TOG business cards introduced; expanded line of TOG merchandise; TOG on internet.

1997 -- Dues reduced to $15 for annual membership renewal; membership at 400.

1998 -- Newsletter increased to twenty pages.

1999 -- Three issues of the newsletter published with twenty-eight pages; expanded home page.

2000 -- Newsletter reduced to twenty-four pages; fourth subject index published covering TOG News issues 1-87; membership at 500; T-37 Owner's Manual digitized and available on-line, thanks to member, Harvey Karten.

2005 -- TOGNews.com is revived including the launch of the new TOG Forum.

2007 -- TOGnews Email Discussion Group moved to Google Groups, thanks to TaShing owner, Bruce Pappas; TOG Forum closed, due to difficulty sending email through ISPs.

2010 -- Subscribers to TOGnews Google Group exceed 800.